Our next speaker evening is on Tuesday 6 August 2024 at the Society Rooms at 3 Cathedral Street, Maitland.

Speaker: Lindsay Gilligan

Lindsay's talk is a reprise of a talk previously given to the 2024 Glenn Murcutt Master Class held at Tocal in early June. It focuses on the natural aspect of the Tocal area; it is a mix of the local geology, its evolution and global context, bookended by philosophical and personal considerations.


Lindsay Gilligan, PSM, BSc(Hons), MAppSc, MBA, FAIG, FSEG, FGSAust.

Lindsay was formerly Director of the Geological Survey of New South Wales and the State’s Chief Government Geologist.  His career has focused on the geology of mineral resources and fostering mineral exploration and discovery in NSW. He has over 50 years’ experience as a geologist, much of which was in government geoscience. He has published widely on aspects of mineral deposits. Whilst Director he led the NSW State Government’s highly successful New Frontiers exploration initiative. He has actively promoted mineral exploration investment in New South Wales both nationally and internationally.

 He has a high profile in the minerals industry. He was non-executive Chairman of Thomson Resources Ltd, a NSW-based junior explorer, from 2009 to 2019. He was a director from 2010 to 2018 on the governing board of the Deep Exploration Technology Cooperative Research Centre (DET CRC). In 2019, he was appointed to the board of the newly formed Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centre (MinEx CRC) which is arguably the largest mineral exploration research organisation in the world. He has also consulted to Commonwealth and State agencies on government geoscience issues, and he co-authored the first National Mineral Exploration Strategy in 2011.

 Lindsay has been on the committee of the Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group (SMEDG) since 2002 and has played a major part in the organisation of the immensely successful Mines and Wines mineral exploration conference since its inception in 2006. He was awarded the Public Service Medal in the 2008 Queen’s Birthday Honours and, in the same year, was also awarded the Australian Mining magazine’s “Most Outstanding Contribution to Australian Mining” Award.


Over recent years, Lindsay has also dabbled in various geological projects, philosophy, family history, wine, and overseas travel.

TOPIC:  Look Up! Look Down!  A philosophical view of Tocal Geology


Speaker Evenings are held on the first Tuesday of the month (except January) at 5 30 pm.

(A small charge of $5 includes light refreshments provided before and after the speakers delivery.)

Future Guest Speakers:



        3 September 2024    Peter Woodley

                                      Peter will be talking on Henry Chamberlain Russell who was an eminent scientist in nineteenth century Australia

                                      Henry was born in West Maitland in 1836, and attended school at the West Maitland Grammar School, before leaving to study at Sydney                                                      University in 1856. His father Bourn Russell was significant in the early mercantile history of Maitland and an MLC.

        1 October 2024

        5 November 2024

       3 December 2024










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